Bee City

Bee a Sponsor
With the extreme loss of honey bees, BY’s Honey Farm has decided to run a Hive sponsorship program where you can support the honey bees and experience the honey bee journey first hand. If you’re a business, school, family or individual you will be able to enjoy this natural approach for the preservation of Honeybees.
How it works:
- — $100 for the season covers one hive for one year.
- — You get the option to paint your own hive, design it the way you’d like.
- — Your name gets painted on the front of the hive
- — You get recognition on our Social Media and possibly other advertising.
- — You have access to your hive all year.
- — Visit your hive whenever you please.
- — Watch the Bees learn about our number one pollinator.
- — You get monthly updates on your hive
- — And to sweeten up the deal, you get two jars of honey from your hive.
*$50 extra we can put your logo on the hive for you.
To get started, please call our office at 905-984-4408 and let us know that you’d like to sponsor a hive.
Not only are you helping the honey bees but you’re helping the environment and our future. Making the world a better place, one hive at a time.
Dont be a hater, save the pollinator
Click to Sponsor a Hive Now!