Why Choose Us?

Flowers from the Field

We let our honey bees collect from our wildflower fields. They take the nectar they need and make honey.

No Syrup or Sugar

The bigger companies tend to feed their bees corn syrup or sugar water to speed up production and amount.

No Lack of Nutrients

This type of honey technically can be “unpasteurized” because they do not heat it up to a high degree. It lacks nutrients that only nectar from flowers and pollen can provide.

Truly Unpasteurized

Our honey is unpasteurized. Pure honey that comes from the hive directly into the jar without any additives or intense heating.

Not Just for Taste

Many bigger companies just pasteurize their honey and that honey is only used for taste.

No Chemicals

We do not use spray chemicals on our farms. We like to promote and keep our land natural.