Hive Beetle Project

Attention Beekeepers!

There is an elementary student doing a school science fair project on Small Hive Beetle and where they are located in Niagara. This is not only beneficial for this young girl’s science project, but also for us as beekeepers to know where the hive beetle are and if they are traveling. We would like to encourage all of our beekeepers to please read the following post and participate in this study.

Informed Consent

Letter of Information

A Study of where the African Small Hive Beetle has been found

Please click the link above to continue to the study

I am an elementary student at Ecole du Sacre Coeur in Welland, and I am collecting information from beekeepers across Niagara to determine where the African Small Hive Beetle (SHB) is found each year to track its movement. The information I will collect is anonymous and will be used for a science fair project. Please read the following information to make an informed decision about whether to participate. Thank you.

Researcher and Advisors

Student Researcher: Sophie Filion –

Adult Supervisor: Stefane Filion –

School: Ecole du Sacre Coeur


Purpose of the Research

This research project investigates where the African Small Hive Beetle can be found a cross Niagara.

What You Will Be Asked To Do In The Research

If you choose to take part in this study, you simply indicate where you HAVE seen or NOT seen the small hive beetle.

Benefits from Participating

You will provide statistically relevant information about where this beetle is located and each year SHB movements can be tracked

Risks from Participating

There are no risks associated with this project


There is no remuneration for participating in this project

Confidentiality of Data

Your identity is anonymous. The data will be public. All points will have added 1km error to conceal the exact location.


Results will be provided to the local bee clubs for yearly comparison

1 thoughts on “Hive Beetle Project

  1. Dave says:

    We have had a large amount of beetles this spring but have cleaned them up. Adding beetles traps and inspecting them weekly.

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